Friday, May 7, 2010

summer internship excitement

So, this week has been super-fun and quite exhausting. And I still have two more days of it! What have I been doing do you ask? I recently got a summer internship with the Florida Times-Union working with the digital media department with the great Ms. Tracy Collins. Our first assignment is to cover The Players Championship. No, I'm not writing about sports! We are writing the goings-ons, the happenings and community involvement at TPC Sawgrass. I've been walking around in the heat, interviewing random people, spotting some friends from work(members and co-workers), and seeing some interesting characters. Although we are only half-way through this week of coverage, I am really satisfied that I got this opportunity to cover such a great event, work and making friends with the other fun interns, and having some experience to add under my belt. I've already been challenged, rewarded and exhausted, but overall, I am having the time of my life. Tomorrow should be crazy and Sunday even crazier as it's the last day. We'll see what's to come!
If you are interested, check out my other blog for this internship on and check out my profile! :